These are the fields of Uddevalla, the place where farmers sow their crops and eventually harvest them. The ground provides enough food, but isn't from high quality.
The barn is where the harvested products are processed. Wheat turns into flour, and flour turns into bread. From this barn, the products are being brought to the marketplace, where they are sold to the residents. The people who work in the barn, live in the houses outside the walls of Uddevalla.
The horses from Uddevalla are being kept here. The horses from the royalties stay in their stable whenever they are not being used, to make sure they don't get hurt. The other warrior horses and horses from the villagers are being kept in the wide pastures next to the stables. All the horses are being taken care of by the grooms of Uddevalla. They also live in the houses outside the walls of Uddevalla.
Red-handed Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:03 am Redra Thorstensdóttir