The docks are suppressed by the distinct sound of seabirds trying to get their pick in all kinds of treats. This is probably the most common place for people to arrive and leave again. On very busy days the docks can be floating of arriving or leaving ships, people always walking fort and back to get their things in order.
Kattegat doesn’t has much farms because of their big value in trading. Aside the smell of hay and the dirt around this is a place of life. With often lots of animals and woman working their way through. On a farm you can find all kinds of things to enjoy yourself with. But it brings a lot of work to, knowing that the goats don’t milk himself and the pigs don’t slaughter themselves it is often a place for the heavy working men and woman.
The streets from Kattegat are always full of life. If not merchants, playing children, then there will be some animals wandering the streets. Most of the streets are dirt paths, but some of them -especially close to the mansion- are made of stone.
The center of Kattegat, where you can find the earl almost at all times. This is his home, his house, his rules and his demands. But a lot of people come together to this place.